Megarid, Argolid and Boeotia, they made up the vast majority of the population.
In Albania, southern Illyria and Epirus, the Pelasgic population resisted assimilation by the Slavic population.
Since the fourteenth century the Epirus colonies of modern Greece have sprung from these too little studied countries.
In Attica, Megarid, Argolid and Boeotia, they made up the vast majority of the population. Finally, the islands of Hydra
Spetses, Poros and Salamis, southern Euboeia and the northern part of the island of Andros would be inhabited entirely by Albanians.
16The struggles of the Eastern Empire against the Slavs did not improve the situation of the Albanians.
However, the Pelasgic nation, which had survived so many invasions, was not bound to disappear faced with the Serbian population.
Albania’s past as it is transmitted to us in popular songs is therefore more relevant than might be thought to present-day questions